
Our area has so much to offer. Find upcoming events below, or submit your event listing for approval.

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SHRM Certification Preparation Course for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP

Stay on track to earn your certification with a structured learning experience. This class starts with a 160-question assessment to establish your current knowledge and identify your gaps. You will then tap into the expertise and guidance of our highly experienced, SHRM-certified instructor; who will guide you through the SHRM Learning System®. This interactive system combines in-depth HR knowledge with real-life situations, based on your knowledge gaps. You will put your learning to the test with expert test-taking tips, practice questions, flashcards, quick-start videos, Competencies in Action activities, and a cumulative post-test; all designed to boost your exam day confidence. Why earn your SHRM-CP or SHRM-CP credential? SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP are Industry-leading, accredited credentials that recognize you as an HR expert and leader. The designation demonstrates your qualification, value, and ability to apply knowledge on the job. Accredited credentials often increase your earning potential.

SHRM Essentials of Human Resources

SHRM Essentials of Human Resources: Guided by an HR expert, using SHRM resources, participants will learn to apply HR knowledge and competencies to real-life situations; including: recruiting, hiring, performance management, compensation, and their legal impact. Lessons focus on behavioral competencies that can improve judgement and decision making. This class is designed for: New and junior HR practitioners; small business owners and office managers who perform HR functions; new or experienced managers wanting to gain employee management skills; and/or anyone wanting to increase their HR knowledge or investigate HR as a career option.

Gun Safety and Intro to Shooting Workshop

Murray State College is hosting a summer workshop series on Gun Safety & Self Defense. Three courses will be offered: June 11 and 25; and July 23.